🕗 opening times
Sunday | - | |||||
Monday | - | |||||
Tuesday | - | |||||
Wednesday | - | |||||
Thursday | - | |||||
Friday | - | |||||
Saturday | - |
8, Ha-Tikva Street, Be'er Sheva, Be'er Sheva, IL Israel
contacts phone: +972 50-721-0959
larger map & directionsLatitude: 31.2474239, Longitude: 34.7987948
ofir bendavid
::××××׼. ××ק×× ×ע××Ś× ×פ×, ××ר×ת ××××ת ××׊ ××× ×Ą ××××. ××××× ××× ××׊ ×××××. ××××××§× ×Ą××× ××ר×ת ׊××׊×ת ××××Ş× ×ע××ף ׊×××××Š× ××ת×, ×× ×פ××ת ׊×××× ××××ר ××תר ׊ק×.
jordan josef levy
::×ק×× ××× ×× ×××תר! ע×׌×× ×××רף ×××× ×× ××ר×ת ×׌×××× ×ת ×××× ×׌×××× ×××× ×Š×ר×ת! ×× ×ת ×××ר ׊×ע ×ר×׌×× ×׌×ת ××ק×× ××× ×× ×× ×׊×ע×ת ×× × ××××׼ ×˘× ××ר×ץ××
Matt Polo
::Funky quaint cozy covered patio bar in midst of building in midst of city municipal & government centers near many cultural centers. Love music EVERY Tuesday night. GREAT bar/ barmen, good food and atmosphere!!
gabi Hadad
::Nice place, expancive for my opinion. Nice environment, many kind of beers. ×ק×× × ×××, ×××ר×× ×××××× ××× ××× ××ץ. ׊×ר×ת × ××× ××× ×××׌ר×× ××××××× ×××× × ×××× ×××ר××, ×× ×Š××× ×Š×Š×××Ş× ×××¨× ×ץ×ר ×××ץ×ף ר××× ××× ××××, ×׊ × ×××× ××ק××, ×ר××Š×Ş× ×ק×רץ ×Š× ×˘×××× ×××× ×. ×××××¨× ××ק×× ××××, ××פ××ק׌×× × ×××.
Berndt Goldmann
::Sehr symphatische Bedienung. Riesige Auswahl an Sandwiches. FĂźr mich gibt's absolut nichts zu meckern. Werde immer wieder kommen. Hyper schnelle Bedienung.