Bank Otsar ha-Hayal i נתניה

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelBank Otsar ha-Hayal



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22, דיזינגוף, 4240514, נתניה, השרון, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 9-889-0200
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.3302366, Longitude: 34.8539008

kommentar 5

  • bar sharvit

    bar sharvit


    Never answer, and no parking in the area, really not recommended

  • Rabbit Music Channel

    Rabbit Music Channel


    Nothing can ever be done, always nothing can help and sit with a lean face

  • haim haviv

    haim haviv


    Garbage from the bank's most trash can in the whole world I live in the sand and I have been trying to call the bank for a whole week and they just do not answer the phone I call directly to the manager or the branch itself 098890200-098890212 098890205 There is a record after a few rings The record says Dear customers Our representatives are busy with previous inquiries to the banker who will get back to you Press 1 To wait Press 2 To the main menu Press 3 For a whole week they do not answer the phone and do not come back to you and still no garbage from this bank has returned to me they are shot busy And after 10 minutes of me waiting on the line they just hang up that God will pay them measure for measure Wishing them all the virtues in the world

  • יוסף ומיכל פרץ

    יוסף ומיכל פרץ


    A bad bank does not answer the phones and does not return. Going to go through a bank very soon

  • moshe ka

    moshe ka


    Bad branch I used to be at the Tel Hashomer branch and then I was transferred to this branch. I moved to another bank and closed their account.

nærmeste Bank

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