Bank Leumi i Jerusalem

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelBank Leumi



🕗 åbningstider

22, King George Street, 9426203, Jerusalem, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 3-954-5522
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.7813008, Longitude: 35.2157392

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Schechter

    Daniel Schechter


    A banker here told me a check I got for a wedding gift couldnt be cashed because I came a month after the wedding. I thought this was odd, so I went to speak to the manager, who told me and said banker that it was perfectly fine to cash the check. This banker lady then got up and asked another banker if he thought she could cash the check, he said "yes of course". She then went to another banker, and asked him if she could cash the check, he too said "yes of course". She then went to ask a fourth person if she could cash the check and at this stage I yelled out "Sarah!!! why dont you want to cash my check?!" She then shouted at me for following her around. 5 minutes later she returned and cashed my check. Took 45 minutes instead of 5, so you guys get 1 star.

  • D B

    D B


    I've been treated better by bank robbers than the staff at this dump.

  • Joshua Rubin

    Joshua Rubin


    Such bad customer service it hurts. They are so inflexible you never get what you need, and even what you don’t need takes them months. If you are looking for a bank, avoid Leumi at all costs! I hear Discount is good...

  • Arthur Viacelli Falcão

    Arthur Viacelli Falcão


    ATM gets international Visa (Plus) cards! The withdrawing limit is much higher than the “tourist” ATMs you’ll find on the streets.

  • newnews brooklyn

    newnews brooklyn


    They put through a 3000₪ check i asked them to cancel since i was paying my landlord by cash. When i asked why they allowed him to put through the cancelled check they said i didnt get some paper from them proving i had cancelled it. I had to go to the police to go after the landlord to get my stolen money after the bank let him be paid 2x.

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