Bank Hapoalim i Netanya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelBank Hapoalim



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9, Professor Yosef Klausner Street, Netanya, HaSharon, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 3-653-2407
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.307514, Longitude: 34.8751108

kommentar 5

  • Avi Mashiach

    Avi Mashiach


    This branch is just not good. From personal experience, there is no way to communicate with the branch. They do not answer the phone at any stage, and even on physical arrival the wait is disproportionate and takes over an hour. It is best to open an account at another bank. There are much better banks in Netanya.

  • Tal Zafrir

    Tal Zafrir


    Bad branch, in order to collect a credit card you have to make an appointment, there are no available queues and if you accidentally come to ask for something without service no one will be contacted, One banker provided service to 10 waiting customers When you turn to a manager who waves and does good in general who responds. I went through a bank!

  • Boris Gutnik

    Boris Gutnik


    Bank Hapoalim Why do not hang messages at the entrances of your branches that you have stopped providing service to Russian speakers? At least be honest. I am with my 86-year-old mother who cannot stand on her feet and for several years next to a wheelchair we were refused at the 476 branch in Netanya. She does not speak fluent Hebrew? Do not refer. The lender? son? So what! Not important! In the last 30 years for the first time I have encountered such a problem. I stood in front of two cynical young clerks who were simply helpless. I will find a solution but am also convinced that the boomerang of life has clear rules and he will return to everyone involved in this affair. Do not respect? They will not respect you either. Did you knock out the weak? You'll be in this place too. disgrace!

  • Oren Shelef

    Oren Shelef


    Poor service. Slow and totally not professional. Took me over two years to understand they can't solve what seems to be a very basic tasks: international money transfer and reoccurring payment in Israel. Very disappointing

  • franklyn kasis

    franklyn kasis


    Rude manager...

nærmeste Bank

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