Bank Hapoalim i Ashdod

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelBank Hapoalim



🕗 åbningstider

13, Ha-Tsiyonut Street, 77456, Ashdod, Ashkelon, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 3-653-2407
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.7873896, Longitude: 34.6439616

kommentar 5

  • jeremi benadiba

    jeremi benadiba


    Thanks to Liat Ohayon, I hope she already runs Bank Hapoalim .... Ali and the successful. Because she deserves it. Although I had a debt forgiveness due to the death of my parents and a car accident. And I paid all my debts to this bank. And probably forgiveness and of course Moshe Eliyahu.

  • Pavel Tolchinski

    Pavel Tolchinski


    Shocking service. Book an appointment through a hotline just a week ahead, the slogan "the fast track" is really not fast! We arrived at the branch, even though we were among the first and the only customers, it took them over an hour and a half to get a bank transfer service. The conversation with the director of "personal service" was disrespectful and far from pleasant. Oh, and effectively it's just a posting password. disappointment.

  • Diana Milano

    Diana Milano


    After Corona all columns in advance. And if there is a problem you should call and wait a few days until the problem is solved.

  • אזל אליהו

    אזל אליהו


    This is my branch at first everything was good but since the Corona came there are no checkout services and it is only possible at the Dov Gur Quarter branch. And how much that disappoints me.

  • Maya P

    Maya P


    The worst bank in the world! Very slow and incompetent service (or lack of such) , so I'm moving my business to a different bank. I suffered three years, that's enough.

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