المستشفى الاهلي العربي в Gaza

Израильالمستشفى الاهلي العربي


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GF46+4HG, Gaza
контакты телефон: +972
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.505317, Longitude: 34.4614395

Комментарии 5

  • ABDOO Alhelo

    ABDOO Alhelo


    It is one of the most famous and oldest hospitals in the Gaza Strip. It is very tidy and organized. It contains all medical specialties and performs various surgeries. It is one of the ancient buildings, and most of its services are at nominal prices. It is located in the middle of the country in Palestine Square, close to all transportation.

  • باسل العرعير

    باسل العرعير


    Excellent service provider

  • م.عمر نبيل ارشي

    م.عمر نبيل ارشي


    A hospital (plural: hospitals) is a health care institution that provides treatment to patients by specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equipment.[2] The best known type of hospital is the general hospital, which usually has an emergency department to treat urgent health problems ranging from fire and accident victims to heart attack. A district hospital is usually the main healthcare facility in its area, with a large number of beds for intensive or intensive care and extra beds for patients who require long-term care. Specialized hospitals include trauma centers, rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, hospitals for the elderly, and hospitals to deal with special medical needs such as psychiatric treatment and some categories of diseases. Specialized hospitals can help reduce healthcare costs compared to general hospitals.[3] A hospital (plural: hospitals) is a health care institution that provides treatment to patients by specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equipment.[2] The best known type of hospital is the general hospital, which usually has an emergency department to treat urgent health problems ranging from fire and accident victims to heart attack. A district hospital is usually the main healthcare facility in its area, with a large number of beds for intensive or intensive care and extra beds for patients who require long-term care. Specialized hospitals include trauma centers, rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, hospitals for the elderly, and hospitals to deal with special medical needs such as psychiatric treatment and some categories of diseases. Specialized hospitals can help reduce healthcare costs compared to general hospitals.[3] A hospital (plural: hospitals) is a health care institution that provides treatment to patients by specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equipment.[2] The best known type of hospital is the general hospital, which usually has an emergency department to treat urgent health problems ranging from fire and accident victims to heart attack. A district hospital is usually the main healthcare facility in its area, with a large number of beds for intensive or intensive care and extra beds for patients who require long-term care. Specialized hospitals include trauma centers, rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, hospitals for the elderly, and hospitals to deal with special medical needs such as psychiatric treatment and some categories of diseases. Specialized hospitals can help reduce healthcare costs compared to general hospitals.[3] A hospital (plural: hospitals) is a health care institution that provides treatment to patients by specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equipment.[2] The best known type of hospital is the general hospital, which usually has an emergency department to treat urgent health problems ranging from fire and accident victims to heart attack. A district hospital is usually the main healthcare facility in its area, with a large number of beds for intensive or intensive care and extra beds for patients who require long-term care. Specialized hospitals include trauma centers, rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, hospitals for the elderly, and hospitals to deal with special medical needs such as psychiatric treatment and some categories of diseases. Specialized hospitals can help reduce healthcare costs compared to general hospitals.[3]

  • Ritchie Gilbert

    Ritchie Gilbert


    my bets ion Israel my drallas gon knock gaza of the map it belongs to israel

  • kris rogers

    kris rogers


    Best place for when you get shrapnel injuries

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